Are You Under Attack?

July 19, 2015 by Andy Crow

Are you under attack?

Many small businesses in the UK are failing to protect themselves against data breaches despite the dangers to revenue and reputation.

Recent research found that more than half of small firms are not taking preventative steps to guard against cyber-attacks, and the study also found that 74 percent of businesses have had a security breach in the last year (up from 60 percent in 2014). With this in mind, a new scheme to protect small businesses from cyber attacks was announced by the Government last week.

The launch of the voucher scheme is part of a package of initiatives designed to increase the resilience of UK businesses to cyber-attacks. The package also includes a new online learning and careers hub to help ensure the UK has the cyber skills talent pool to protect both the public and private sectors as we face the reality of increasing cyber threats.

Apart from the obvious consequences of direct revenue loss and reputation damage, there would be a lengthy and time-consuming process for an organisation of any size to recover from a data breach. As well preventative measures it is also worth considering taking out specific Cyber Insurance to not only cover losses to revenues but also to cover you from people using 3rd party data stolen from your company, for which you may be liable.

For further information on any of these issues contact Chorus Business Advisers for free consultation on 0845 8671263 or email


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