Cheaper Printing

August 31, 2015 by Andy Crow

One of the biggest costs in businesses is the over use of the printer. Whether it’s printing massive documents for reading or whole documents when only a small part is needed, we waste reams of paper. Changing the default option to black and white printing except when colour is essential can save a small fortune. Colour ink costs approximately 10 times that of standard!

Fortunately various technological developments have helped resolve some problems. Improvements such as multi-function printers, mobile technology and greater connectivity from the Cloud and Wi-Fi have all helped the situation. With a little planning, we can all reduce the amount spent on printing, cut costs and aid the environment at the same time.

Here are some ways to help.

Don’t print the whole document.
We sometimes print off a whole document when what you really need is just a small part of it. Ask yourself each time you print a document how much of it you actually need.

Can I access it digitally?
Do you really need a hard copy of that document? Most documents can be stored in a variety of digital formats which means you can access them with more flexibility on your mobile device.

Scan and store documents
With the latest multi-functional printers you can scan documents and store them on the printer hard drive. These can be accessed in a variety of ways that reduce the amount of paper used and the wear and tear on your printer.

Have a print strategy
Irrespective of company size, it pays to have a printing strategy. You can develop this by getting your staff involved to find out what needs to be printed out and what actually doesn’t. Inform the staff to think before they print and save costs.

Lease your printer
Don’t purchase new printers outright and consider managed services options. These enable businesses to keep printers, supplies, maintenance and support in one, all-inclusive ongoing contract.

If you really want to save on your printing costs then it pays to have a full audit and find out actually what you are spending money on and where those savings can be made. Chorus Business Advisers can assist you with solving any issues that you may have in this and other areas. For free consultation on 0845 8671263 or email


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