Christmas Garden

December 14, 2012

Winter is definitely here!!  It is a beautiful frosty morning outside.  I love the way a heavy frost transforms the garden into a mixture of pure white shapes.  It's the time of year to wrap up warm and venture out and really see the wonder of the outside world.  The striking sparkling seed heads set against the blue skies, the spikey grasses and berries sprinkled with frost like icing sugar and the stunning structure of the naked trees. Nature gives perfect magical scenes that evoke, for me, memories of Christmases past and excitment for the festive season that is fast appraoching.

While you're  out and about take a look around and spot plants that look good in winter.  You could plan to introduce plants that give more interest during this season. Plants such as Cornus alba with brightly colured stems shades of reds, oranges and yellows look striking in winter.  Sarcococca,  sweet box,  is an evergreen shrub that has a beautiful scent.  Evergreens with berries look good. They create an instant shot of colour to your garden or, when planted in a pot, brighten up the front of the house at this time of year.  Skimmias, Hollies, Pyracantha and heathers are favourites.

Why not add to the festivities and decorate  the shrubs and trees as a extra warm welcome to your Christmas visitors.  Bay trees at front doors look lovely scattered with a few outdoor fairy lights and you can add sparkle with baubles and bows.  Then have a snip at your evergreens!!  Bring your cuttings inside and create something wonderful ( not forgetting to keep any poisionous plants and berries away from small children and pets ).  I've collected red berried Skimmia and  variagated Euonymus, then using oasis (which can be bought from a florist ) in a bowl, I have made a simple mound of colour for the hallway table.  You don't have to be an expert - just use your imagination (or get inspiration from books, internet etc ). It's fun to have a go.  Holly is a traditional favourite used to decorate the house. Any evergreen looks good and you can add flowers to inject colour. A tied bunch of evergreens and flowers looks good, simply tie into a spray with ribbon, Rosemary is lovely to include in this for the fragrance.  I have hung one from my front door instead of a wreath and it looks great.

What ever you do include the kids. It's great to get them out and let them help decorate the home for Christmas.  Have a fabulous Christmas lovely people of Leigh-on-Sea (and visitors!!) and a Happy New Year to you all.



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