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Consultation for special educational needs and disabilities strategy

A consultation has launched asking for feedback on a draft strategy for services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The draft strategy was co-produced with parents, carers and partner organisations to address the five priorities parents and carers said were important. This includes:
Transitions – to make sure children and young people are prepared and supported at all times
Early intervention – identification, assessment and effective support at the earliest opportunity
Good mental health and wellbeing
Plans – education healthcare plans (EHCPs) and other plans are child centred, well-coordinated, co-produced, timely and create well informed effective support, that is monitored and reviewed regularly.
Local Offer website - ensure it is a comprehensive, widely and easily accessible resource
The draft strategy sets out plans for SEND services for the next three years and builds on improvements and existing work put in place in recent years, using the information given to us by parents and carers about what is important to them.
Cllr Laurie Burton, cabinet member for children and learning, said: “It is very important to get this strategy right, which is why the draft has been co-produced with parents, carers and SEND professionals, the very people who use it to access the right care and services for children and young people.
“Our priority has always been for children with SEND to thrive and be happy and so we need people to give us their feedback to make sure this document will serve us well for the next three years and focus on the areas that are most important to the people using the services.
“I hope people with an experience of SEND services, whether they be young people with SEND, parents, carers or professionals, are able to read the draft strategy and respond to the consultation.”
The consultation closes on Friday 29 July 2022 and there are a number of ways you can get involved.
You can visit the Your Say Southend consultation page to read through the strategy and complete a survey. Or you can share your views about the proposed actions, vision, aims and ambitions through our ideas boards.
There are face-to-face engagement events as follows:
Friday 1 July 10am to 11.30am - The Tickfield Centre, Tickfield Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 6LL. Register here.
Friday 1 July 12.30pm to 2pm - The Tickfield Centre, Tickfield Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 6LL. Register here.
Young person engagement event – Saturday 9 July 9.30am to 11am – TrustLinks, 47 Fairfax Drive, Westcliff-on-Sea, SS0 9AG Register here.
There are online engagement events (via Microsoft Teams):
Wednesday 6 July 5.30pm to 6.30pm. Register here.
Wednesday 6 July 7pm to 8pm. Register here.
If you have any questions, need help taking part in the consultation, wish to feedback in another way or would like a alternative format, such as easy read, paper copy or translation, please email localoffer@southend.gov.uk
A summary of the outcome of the consultation will be published on the Your Say Southend website.
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