
December 11, 2013

Leigh nutritionist, Diana Herve, gives her low down on how you can help yourself to good health after the Christmas excess. For more information and advise on nutritional needs visit Diana's website at:

Detox - The word on everyone’s lips, come January 1st!

Yes, that’s right, we are only three weeks away from that time at the beginning of every New Year, when every magazine and newspaper will run a feature on the best ways to DETOX - same old, same old!  Having checked the Dictionary of Contemporary English, I note there are two meanings for ‘detox’…

  1. To remove harmful chemicals and poisons from the body.
  2. Special treatment in hospital to stop people taking alcohol and drugs.

Mmmm, interesting!  Personally, I think the second meaning, although factually correct, is perhaps a little OTT for most people who have over-indulged in brandy-steeped Christmas pudding and one -too-many sherries with Grandma and Auntie Flo!  However I do think we should give some consideration to the former despite it sounding, well, almost mechanical??

So how do these ‘chemicals and poisons’ get into our bodies in the first place, you might ask? Well,  the fact of the matter is, any foodstuff which has been manufactured and processed, and believe me, these comprise a huge amount of supermarket shelf space - ready meals (even ‘healthy’ labelled ones), savoury snacks, sweets, desserts, packet foods, fizzy drinks, cocktail eats, foods marketed to attract children…the list goes on.  So the fact of the matter is, many people fuel their bodies with these types of foods all year round, mostly unknowingly, in the form of hidden sugars, trans fats, hydrogenated fats, and a plethora of additives, flavourings and preservatives. Its just that at this time of year there is an even greater choice of party and festive food on offer and of course, we want to indulge in it all - it’s all part of the Christmas package.

January arrives and your waistbands probably do feel tighter than they did at the beginning of December……you probably feel a little sluggish too and if you take a look at your skin, it may don a spot or two; those with eczema and other inflammatory conditions or digestive complaints may notice their symptoms have taken a turn for the worse too.  Well, its hardly surprising given the amount of ‘harmful chemicals and poisons’ (meaning no. 1), that you have recently eaten.  Couple this with late nights, alcohol, less exercise and fresh air, and there you have it….perfect recipe for your body to yearn a ‘detox’.

There will be various detox programmes on offer - those recommending only fruit and vegetable juices for a few days, some promoting hugely expensive ‘organic super foods’ which are only available at exclusive health shops, and some with incredibly time-consuming recipes requiring unusual ingredients.  If you up for any of these, I say….that’s great….they are undoubtedly full of healthy nutrients and if you have the commitment and time, following any of these for a few days will indeed stimulate your liver and kidneys to get rid of toxic waste and will leave you feeling energised and perky and ready to start the New Year afresh.

However, for the majority of people the reality is that they read about these detox protocols, get terribly excited, make all the right noises and resolutions, but when the daily routine of work/family life takes control of their lives again, detoxing in this manner might not be quite so practical.  So, if you fit into this scenario….here are a few Help Yourself to Health tips that will enable you and your whole family to detox from overindulging over the Christmas period, and will set you up for not only a Happy and Healthy New Year, but will ensure you enjoy optimum health and well being throughout the year.

  • Fill your fridge or pantry with at least 10 different fresh vegetables every week - eat them raw in salads or steamed to accompany meals - variety ensures you are eating a wide variety of vitamins & minerals.
  • Eat 1-2 pieces of fruit each day.
  • Switch the TV and computer off and get moving!  Walk, skip, run, swim - pick up the pace and get outside in the fresh air at least twice a day.\
  • Get cooking!  It doesn’t have to be complicated or gourmet…..fresh ingredients always taste good….you can concoct so many delicious recipes from them, or just eat them plain, if you prefer.
  • Avoid fizzy drinks and fruit drinks (even if the label says they are healthy….they’re not!).
  • Avoid processed and packet foods as they will have toxic sugars/fats/additives in.
  • Drink up to 2L water daily.
  • Eat 3 nutritionally balanced meals per day
  • Stop grazing and filling up on savoury snacks, fizzy drinks, sweets/cakes/biscuits etc.
  • Aim to eat protein at every meal as this will balance blood sugar levels and curb appetite.
  • Avoid refined sugars, (white flour products, sweets, fizzy drinks, savoury snacks, cakes, biscuits) as these will give you a sugar rush, cause blood sugar fluctuations and insulin surges…..insulin is a fat-storing hormone).

Remember… can all HELP YOURSELF TO HEALTH  because the MORE HEALTHY NUTRIENTS you eat the better you will fuel your body so that it can function at its best and you will enjoy the benefits, physically, mentally and emotionally as nutrients feed your mind, body and soul!