Havens - public enquiry date set

April 24, 2013

Havens hospices

Despite the potential availability of numerous brownfield sites in the borough, Havens are continuing in their attempts to get planning permision for a new hospice and administrative centre on greenbelt land in Belton Way, Leigh.

Having already had planning permisson refused by the council in October last year, the hospice is taking their application to a public enquiry chaired by the planning inspector Richard Clegg. Government guidance was sought before the original plans were turned down so the charity must now convince the chair that there is a need for a new hospice. The onus is on Havens to demonstrate very special circumstances in order to succeed with their application to build on protected land.

In a "statement of  common ground" signed on Tuesday, Havens and the council agreed the following:

  • The buiding would be inappropriate development of green belt land so very special circumstances must be demonstrated to justify it.
  • There is not enough palliative care in south east Essex.
  • Conditions placed on any planning permission could protect nature conservation sites.
  • The plans include sufficient parking

They disagree on:

  • The urgency of need. Are the short-comings of the current hospice in Westcliff really sufficient to warrant building on green belt land?
  • Whether there are any other suitable sites. 
  • Whether the building needs to be as big as Havens would like.

It is these points of contention that will be explored at the enquiry. 

Havens' P.R. machine is already rolling with stories appearing about the length of the waiting list for care at the Westcliff site and the resultatant deaths of some not able to get a bed. Whilst this is incredibly sad for those concerned it must be noted that the campaign to build on the green belt site in Belton Way has been on-going for nearly three years.

What do you think? Do Havens have a case? Should they be able to build on green belt land or are there other sites available. Have your say at: info@leigh-on-sea.com




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