Jan 14 Quick Quiz A's

January 23, 2014

Quick Quiz

Q. 1.Who abolished St Valentine's Day, Hogmanay and Halloween as being altogether too frivolous and irreligious?

(A. Oliver Cromwell)


Q. 2. Who was the Greek goddess of love?

(A. Aphrodite)


Q. 3.Which British city did Shirley Valentine abandon for her Greek holiday?

(A. Liverpool)


Q.  4.Which famous building in New York lights up a red heart each St Valentine's Day?

(A. The Empire State Building)


Q. 5. What does the word Valentine actually mean?

(A. Sweetheart)


Q. 6.True or false: Doves mate for life

(A. True)


Q. 7. Which company manufactures Love Hearts - packets of small round sweets each of which have a short message on?

(A. Swizzel)


Q. 8. Who had a top ten hit in the UK with "Cupid" in 1961?

(A. Sam Cooke)


Q. 9.What kind of flowers are traditionally given to symbolise love?

(A.red roses)


Q. 10.Which was Shakespeare’s most romantic play?

(A. Romeo and Juliet)


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