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PEMF at Leigh Sanctuary

PEMF at Leigh Sanctuary
The cable-fly machine is that contraption at the gym where you stand and pull your arms down as if you are some kind of elegant bird - but in reality look like a arthritic crane. The day before I’d noticed a niggle in my shoulder after I’d used the machine, It didn’t feel too bad at the time, but the next day it was a dull, numb ache. I lifted my arm up to scratch my other shoulder. Ouch. That really hurt. I had a slap tear and now the ache was turning into a very sharp, unpleasant pain.
My son, who is nine, has a habit of running directly at me, meaning I have to lift him up otherwise he’d charge head-long into my groin. The day after the cable-fly incident he ran at me and I couldn’t lift him up, I just didn’t have the strength in my shoulder to achieve the lift. The shoulder now hurt. It hurt enough that I went to the doctors to get some prescription pain relief. “You can take two if the pain is really severe”. I took two. Normally I’d neck a couple of Ibuprofen and do lighter weights for a few weeks, but this was far more problematic. After a full course of painkillers for a month it had helped, but I still couldn’t scratch the opposite shoulder and I still couldn’t lift my son up.
I’ve known Julie and Mike at Leigh Sanctuary for over a decade. Full disclosure - I’ve done a lot of work for them over that time. So when Julie asked how I was and noticed me rubbing my shoulder a few weeks later that was the first time she mentioned PEMF therapy.
I’m cynical and also probably like many fellas who can’t really face lying on a couch for an hour being poked and prodded, so it took Julie a few digs before I gave in and went for a treatment.
I’ll be honest. I don’t really understand how it works, but by shunting electro-magnetic fields through the body, it boosts circulation and oxygenation of the blood in the affected area. In short this has the effect that your body heals and repairs quicker, much quicker.
I laid down on a couch and a magnetic pad was placed under my shoulder. Mike showed me it was magnetic by holding a magnet over the pad and watching it lurch from side to side as it picked up the waves. And then I did nothing - just lay there chatting to Mike (who loves a chat by the way and gave me a much-needed life coaching session for free - bonus!). After about 15 minutes the pad was moved onto the front of my shoulder where again I did nothing.
Straight afterwards I didn’t feel any different, but within thirty minutes I could pull my shoulder right across my body - I’d not been able to do that without wincing for 8 weeks. This was interesting.
Julie asked if I’d like another treatment and, as a new convert, I jumped at the chance. Two weeks later I had a full mat treatment as the PEMF sent it’s waves through my whole body. There was no life coaching this time, but Julie put on relaxing music, covered me in a warm blanket and dulled the lights. I fell asleep. Fellas - don’t knock it.
The shoulder felt even better, but Mike recommended I had a third treatment, again localised on my shoulder. This time he increased the power and again 15 minutes on the back and then another 15 minutes on the front. This time the feeling was noticeable. My shoulder was looser and highly moveable, I also had a feeling of increased mental awareness - hyper-realising the colours, sounds and smells of the Broadway as I walked back to my car.
There are many people now having PEMF treatment at Leigh Sanctuary for a full range of symptoms. It’s perfect for sports injuries especially if the idea of weeks off training and a shed-load of painkillers doesn’t appeal. There’s also a tonne of anecdotal evidence that supports that PEMF can alleviate symptoms of such diverse conditions as respiratory problems to bowel issues. For the price of a taster session it really is a no-brainer to see if this will work for you.
The next morning as I was opening the curtains my son ran at me again full pelt like an angry ram. I braced myself, picked him up and threw him around like a hot chip as he giggled constantly. PEMF works.
To book in for PEMF at Leigh Sanctuary, please call the salon direct on 01702 482224
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