Survey checks the ‘pulse’ of Southend residents during pandemic

December 2, 2020

Above: a collage of pictures taken by residents, which have all been shared on the council Instagram channel @southendbc

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council are asking residents to let them know about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and what steps they think the borough can take to ensure a positive future.

A short pulse survey has been designed to discover what lockdown has been like for people, what impact it has had and how the pandemic has affected communities in general.

A blended approach will be taken from the insight captured through the pulse survey, which will be combined with data that the council is capturing from other sources. This will then be used to shape the borough’s recovery priorities and also help inform the budget setting process and the transformation of services in the New Year.

Cllr Ian Gilbert, leader of the council said: “We understand that the coronavirus pandemic is affecting our residents in different ways and we would like to better understand how we can effectively support them. Therefore, we want to hear about how your life has changed, how you are coping and what your thoughts are on life after the pandemic. As a result, please take this quick survey and think of it as an opportunity to give us your views”.

The pulse survey is hosted on the council’s consultation platform, Your say Southend, where many other questionnaires and surveys are available for residents of the borough to take.

To register for Your say Southend in order to let your views be known, please follow this link:

This survey will close on 28 December 2020.


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