Young Ambassadors taking over local charity’s social media this half term

October 29, 2019 by

A local charity is letting their young volunteers loose on social media over the October Half Term to highlight what they get up to when at the charity.

Havens Hospices have been running their Young Ambassadors Project (YAP) for 11-years and this half term are letting a few of their current Ambassadors takeover their social media accounts to encourage more 16 – 18 year olds to apply for the 2020 project and make a difference to their local community.

The charity, which cares for children, adults and young adults with life-limiting illnesses at their two hospices, in the community and at home has invited young people to volunteer since 2008.  For ten years the Young Ambassadors primarily volunteered in the care areas of the charity, however, last year Havens Hospices started offering a greater variety of roles.

Many of the young people who apply are aiming for a career in healthcare; however, Havens Hospices has diverse volunteering opportunities within other areas of the charity, giving young people across Essex a chance to gain skills and work experience in an industry or career that is of interest to them. Next week, the charity’s Marketing and PR Young Ambassador and a Young Ambassador volunteering in the Day Hospice will be taking control of the charity’s Instagram,  Twitter and Facebook to show what they do when they volunteer, answer any questions about taking a ‘YAP Year’ and generally share their volunteering experience. To follower the Young Ambassador’s Takeover search for @HavensHospices on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Faye Kadesh, Volunteer Services Manager explains “We’re really excited about the Young Ambassadors Takeover next week and seeing what they are getting out of their experiences and what they get up to when they’re in! I really hope that their takeovers will inspire more young people across Essex to take their chance to shape the future of the charity.”

Applications for Young Ambassadors 2020 are now open and close on 31st December 2019. To find out more about taking a ‘YAP Year’ please contact Havens Hospices Volunteer Services on 01702 426237 or or visit

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