A PHAB Social Club
PHAB is a fab charity that promotes children and yound adult's confidence and independence. PHAB stands for Physically Handicaopped and Able Bodied Club which aim is to create opportunities for children and adults of all abilities to enjoy life and come together on equal terms in community, prmoting both equality and diversity!. In order to do this they have set up a number of social clubs around the country for al age-ranges offering activities and holidays which will promote and encourage the confidence and independence in young people of all abilities through a range of diverse projects.
This social club meets up every wednesday evening at Weasly Methodist Church, where there will be a range of fun activities for children of all abilities. A chance for young people both abled and handicappedt to interact and socialise within Leigh Community.
October 21 2014 To October 22 2014
6.00pm To 8.00 pm
Ticket Price:
Contact Details:
Wesley Methodist Church, Elm Rd